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Prices of domain names .bg

.bg Domain Registration € 145,00
.bg Change Domain Owner € 205,00
.bg Local Representative € 45,00
.bg Domain Transfer (In) € 205,00
.bg Changing Domain DNS Servers € 0,00 € 50,00

How to buy .bg domain name?

Looking to buy a .bg domain name? You've come to the right place! Register BG, the registry authorized to operate the .bg domain, has accredited to provide domain registration services for .bg domains.

  • You can trust to do it right, because Country Code domains are our specialty.
  • is uniquely positioned to help guide you through the Bulgarian registration process.
  • Our business was built on providing simple and timely domain registration services, and superior support once you have your name.
.bg Domain Registration Price145,00

How to transfer .bg domain name?

Transferring your .bg domain name is a fast and easy process. Get started by clicking "Transfer Now" below, and our Domain Specialists will help you navigate the process. Every .bg domain transfer into includes an additional year(s) renewal, so you're not losing any time, just saving money and gaining the access to the largest portfolio of extensions in the business and powerful domain management system.

.bg Domain Transfer Price205,00Transfer

How do I renew a .bg domain?

Renewing your domain name is simple! Just click "Renew Now" below, or log into your Account Manager, select your .bg domain name that you would like to renew, select the term of your renewal, and check out. That's it!

We also offer Auto Renew—a great way to keep your domain name up-to-date without having to worry about letting them accidentally expire. Check your Account Settings to find out if you have it enabled.

.bg Domain Renew Price€ 205,0082,50Renew

Requirements for .bg Domain Registration

Are Individual domain registrations allowed?Yes
Company or legal entities registrations allowed for domain .bg?Yes
Are there requirements, documents, or information needed for?
provides the permanent legal representative within Bulgaria required to register this domain through Trustee service. You must select trustee service at checkout.
Are some .bg domain names restricted?
Registering trademarks owned by third parties, names of countries, municipalities, obscene or abusive words, or contrary to public interest, generic names are all prohibited. For complete restrictions see FAQs.
Does .bg domain have a special use?No
Other information I need to know about .bg?No
Are there any additional fees for .bg?
DNS Change: $20. Ownership Update: $150.
Do I need a trademark/brand name to register .bg?No
Private Registration Service Available?No
Trustee / Proxy service offered? Fees?

Don't Have All of These Requirements for Bulgaria .bg? Our trustee service provides the required local contact information. Note: Registration for 2 years may be required on some extensions.

Available at Checkout

.bg Tru


FAQs for .bg

What is the registration term allowed for .bg domain names?

.bg domain names are available for 1 year(s).

What are the characters and valid character lengths for .bg domain names?

Domain Names must:
  • have minimum of 3 and a maximum of 63 characters;
  • begin with a letter or a number and end with a letter or a number;
  • use the English character set and may contain letters (i.e., a-z, A-Z),numbers (i.e. 0-9) and dashes (-) or a combination of these;
  • neither begin with, nor end with a dash;
  • not contain a dash in the third and fourth positions (e.g. www.ab-; and
  • not include a space (e.g. www.ab

How long does it take to register .bg domain name?

The domain registration time frame for .bg during general availability is 1 Month.

Trustee Service for .bg domain

Trustee Service helps you satisfy most local presence requirements when there are restrictions on registering a domain name. Trustee Service is available for this extension .

How do I host my .bg domain name?

offers hosting and email service for .bg. You can order hosting, email service and SSL certificates at checkout or you can contact sales.

Private Registration

Information will be available soon

What is the potential recovery period for the .bg domain?

Grace periods vary for country code Top Level Domains (ccTLD) including Internationalized Domain Names (IDN). Some registries require renewal up to 60 days in advance of the domain name expiration date. It is your responsibility to pay for your Renewal Fees in advance of the due date specified by regardless of the domain name expiration date. Failure to pay your Renewal Fees prior to the due date will result in a fee of $150 to renew your .bg domain. There may be a restore period between when the domain expires and when the domain can be registered again. In the event that you do not pay by the renewal date, your site may be inaccessible during this time so it is very important that you renew this extension before the renewal date.

.bg Domains Dispute & Policy

The most current .bg domains dispute policy can be found at:

During a DISPUTE procedure the DOMAIN NAME shall be considered as PROTECTED, if for its formation the REGISTRANT has used and provided grounds to use the LABEL to the REGISTRY, corresponding to: REGISTRANT’s name. REGISTRANT’s registered trade mark or geographic designation, or any such in process of registration in the Patent Bureau of the Republic of Bulgaria. In the latter case it is necessary to sign a conditional agreement for registration of the DOMAIN NAME. Any such trade mark or geographic designation shall be valid on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria. The name of the trade mark or the geographic designation can not be abbreviated. Registered name of a publication (for example with an ISSN or ISBN). Name of a program or a project of the state, regional, or municipal administrations and institutions of an EU member state. Name, acquired by the REGISTRANT according to issued licenses, valid on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria. Consortium or non-personified civil society union name. Name of a media program or a show. Name of a cultural, sport, scientific or other event. Name of a coalition, initiative committee or other name, used by a candidate for a campaign in parliamentary, presidential or local elections. Name to use in connection with a franchising contract. Name of any artistic form of group formed and registered in accordance with Article 83 of the Copyright and Similar Rights Act. Name of a categorized tourist site. Name of a construction site. Name of a vessel. 5.5.2. When registering a PROTECTED DOMAIN NAME in the top level zone .bg, the LABEL is formed by: The full name. An abbreviation formed out of one or some of the words being part of the full name and the first characters of the remaining words (observing their sequence). An abbreviation formed out of the first characters of the words forming the full name, observing their sequence (abbreviation). When the applicant’s name contains a number, it is accepted the domain name to be formed out of the number in say-format, and vice-versa. When a name is composite, formed out of separate words or initial characters of words used generally to form the name, the hyphen sign (-) can be put on place. When a label cannot be formed in any of the enumerated ways, as it is no longer available, after the requested combination of characters (as provided for in it., it., it., it. or it is accepted to place a number or characters "bg" or "бг", separated or not with the hyphen sign (-). When a name contains the word Bulgaria, it may be either omitted, or replaced with the characters "bg" or "бг". When the label ends with the word "бг", "bg", ".бг" or ".bg", the word can be omitted. Some generally accepted abbreviations, or words, such as: "ltd", "plc", "inc", "co","company", "corporation", "international" (or their equivalents) can be omitted. When a name contains the name of a city, state or continent, they may be omitted or a generally accepted abbreviation can be used. To the subject's name can be added the name or the generally accepted abbreviation of the city of their official seat. When in the REGISTRANT’s name the name of a patron is included, the latter may be omitted or to be used alone. When a name contains a repetitive abbreviation, the latter may be omitted. When a name contains the character “&”, the latter shall be omitted or replaced with the conjunction "and", the hyphen sign "-" or the letter "n;" The name may be translated to a foreign language or transliterated with ASCII characters. 5.5.3. When registering PROTECTED DOMAIN NAMES in the top level zone .bg, conditional agreements can be signed under the following conditions: When the existence of grounds is considered according to a future uncertain event, a conditional agreement for registration of the domain name shall be signed with the REGISTRANT. When a postponed condition is fulfilled and when an impossibility occurs regarding the fulfillment of a terminable condition, the conditional agreement shall become unconditional regarding the event, whereas when an impossibility occurs regarding the fulfillment of a postponed condition or when a terminable condition is fulfilled, the agreement shall be canceled from the moment of learning of the fact by the REGISTRY. When cancelling a conditional agreement under it., the REGISTRANT can change the DOMAIN NAME registration to make the DOMAIN NAME UNPROTECTED by submitting an APPLICATION for changing the DOMAIN NAME registration details. 11. DISPUTE 11.1. Every dispute concerning the DOMAIN NAME registration is examined in accordance with the present TERMS AND CONDITIONS. 11.2. DISPUTE can be made for every current DOMAIN NAME registration in the .bg zone. 11.3. The DISPUTE applicant can request termination of the DOMAIN NAME registration only if the LABEL of the registered DOMAIN NAME is identical with the full name of which he/she has grounds to use (it. 11.4. As a result of the DISPUTE, a registered DOMAIN NAME can be transfered in favour of the applicant who has raised the DISPUTE procedure in the following cases: 11.4.1. The DOMAIN NAME is UNPROTECTED and the applicant who has raised the DISPUTE procedure has grounds to use this LABEL with an earlier priority than the REGISTRANT. When the REGISTRANT does not have or does not provide grounds to use the LABEL to the REGISTRY by the end of the period indicated in it.11.12., the date of his/her application for DOMAIN NAME registration shall be used as a priority date during DISPUTE. 11.4.2. The DOMAIN NAME has been registered with providing grounds to use the LABEL (PROTECTED DOMAIN NAME), but there are preconditions indicated in it.9.4. and it.9.5. of the present TERMS AND CONDITIONS. 11.5. Before the beginning of a DISPUTE, the applicant shall create an application for registration of the DOMAIN NAME in the .bg zone which shall be under DISPUTE. 11.6. The DISPUTE procedure starts with the creation of an APPLICATION FOR DISPUTE. 11.7. The application for DISPUTE shall be created on-line via Internet through the information server of the REGISTRY / Every application for DISPUTE shall be given a unique number and shall be dated. 11.8. Payment for the DISPUTE service shall be done within a 15 /fifteen/ day period from the creation of the application for DISPUTE. 11.9. In case the REGISTRY does not receive the DISPUTE fee payment within the period indicated in it.11.8., the REGISTRY shall cancel the DISPUTE procedure related to the created APPLICATION FOR DISPUTE. 11.10. With the fee payment reception for the APPLICATION FOR DISPUTE, the REGISTRANT shall be informed that there is an APPLICATION FOR DISPUTE for the registration of the registered thereof DOMAIN NAME. The notification shall be sent via e-mail to the e-mail addresses of the REGISTRANT and the ADMINISTRATIVE CONTACTS given to the REGISTRY. 11.11. The DISPUTE applicant shall provide to the REGISTRY all required and additional documents duly signed (The application for DOMAIN NAME registration, the application for DISPUTE, as well as documents, certifying grounds to use the LABEL) within a 30 /thirty/ day period from the creation date of the APPLICATION FOR DISPUTE. 11.12. If the REGISTRANT is willing to provide an answer to the REGISTRY, as well as documents to serve in his/her protection, beyond the documents provided during the registration or the changes in it, then he/she shall do that within a 30 /thirty/ day period from the notification sent via e-mail. Otherwise, the DISPUTE COMMITTEE shall make a decision based on the documents available at the REGISTRY by the end of the period. 11.13. After the deadline of the REGISTRANT to answer and send documents, the DISPUTE COMMITTEE makes a decision in a closed session about the dispute, based on the documents from both sides provided by the respective deadlines. 11.14. Based on the position of the DIPSUTE COMMITTEE, the REGISTRY makes a decision about the dispute within a 30 /thirty/ day period after the deadlines for provision of documents by the DISPUTE applicant and the REGISTRANT, as both sides in the dispute will be informed of this decision via e-mail through the given to the REGISTRY e-mails addresses, indicated as REGISTRANT and ADMINISTRATIVE CONTACTS by either party. 11.15. If the decision of the REGISTRY is in favour of the REGISTRANT, the DOMAIN NAME registration shall not be changed. 11.16. If the decision of the REGISTRY is in favour of the DISPUTE applicant, the latter shall be given the opportunity to make a payment for the registration and support fees of the DOMAIN NAME within a 15 /fifteen/ day period from the notification sent via e-mail, as indicated in it.11.14. If the REGISTRY does not receive the payment within this 15 /fifteen/ day period, it shall be considered that the party initiating the DISPUTE of the DOMAIN NAME has declined from its registration. The DOMAIN NAME shall remain registered by the current REGISTRANT. Within a 15 /fifteen/ day period upon the reception of the payment by the REGISTRY, the DOMAIN NAME registration of the current REGISTRANT shall be terminated and the DOMAIN NAME shall be registered in favour of the DISPUTE applicant, unless within this period the REGISTRY does not receive a protective order by a Bulgarian competent court, by which the "stop the domain name termination" protective order has been applied to the REGISTRANT. 11.17. Paid fees for a requested DISPUTE service shall not be returned. Dispute expenses shall not be awarded. The winning party can seek from the other party the made DISPUTE expenses through a competent court claim.

What is a .bg domain?

When searching online, Bulgarian internet users expect to see website addresses with .BG domain names. Whether you are a Bulgarian local, a small business owner, a shop assistant, a security guard, or just someone who appreciates the world's best yogurt and most beautiful roses, a .BG domain name is for you! With a .BG domain name you will rank higher in local search results and in the hearts of the locals.

Show your connection to the Bulgarian culture and commitment to providing the best internet experience in Bulgaria with .BG domain. A .BG domain name is short, professional and memorable helping your website stand out in a sea of content online. Bulgaria has vast economic promise. Bulgaria is known for its natural variety from mountains, sand, seas, lakes and plains, and is the world's leading producer in rose and lavender oil.

Protecting your brand is as important as growing it. Registering your brand name in Bulgaria is one of the best preventative measures you can take to secure your trademark and combat copyright infringement. Your domain name is your brand and your brand is you! Register your perfect .BG domain name before someone else does.
